Friday, August 28, 2009


Less than 5 more hours to my deadline,
Can a miracle happen?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lost It All.

To begin with, I think I've always lacked of Confidence.

Since young I guess.
I'm not like a babe, not like a smart girl, not even a sociable person.

Whenever I meet some one unfamiliar, I'll just try to avoid as much as possible.
I hate meeting new people, not unless it's someone I'm comfortable with.
& now, after I know I'm not always the best, not at least any good, I've lost it all.

My O levels mother tongue, just as expected, I got a B3.
I am not sad, I'm just kinda dishearten.
My Oral, being one of my strongest point, actually became my weakest factor.
I merely passed it.

Maybe like I've said before, it's my luck.
I got a tough conversation topic, and I'm not doing well.
Am I putting in enough effort?
I guess not at all.

My English oral is coming, will I do well enough?

Leaving this aside, not only studies makes me lose my confidence, even friends does.
I've realised, sometimes when you try so hard to be someone you're not, everything will just hit you back twice as much.
I should just stick to my old friends, or just being alone. Right?

But I know there are definitely some friends I can rely on.
They are the one who don't leave me, who don't speak back behind my backs.
At least, they are those who label me as their "Friend".

Going out as a group would have many joy & laughter,
but how many are actually involved?
That's why, I prefer to go out in small group.
Everything will just be shared among us.
Wouldn't that be better?

But afterall, I'm glad.
Putting all these problems aside, I still have my family.
My nanny's family as well.
They are ultimately my happiness.
If one day, even they choose to quarrel with me, I guess it'll just be another breakdown for me.

My food poisoning is almost over, just that my appetite still haven't really much recovered.
I know my emotions lately had been bad, sorry for those who put up with me.
Stomach cramp and headache just drives me mad.

Last quote for the day:

Always think of those who are in worst state when you want to complain.

Blogger is my bestest friend, I bet it applies to many too.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Ah! Though the beautiful date of 070809 is long over,
I'm still blogging about it! :D

Actually you know la, Chenpei got stm.
So yea! I only remember I haven't been treating people well for that week la.
But I will change okay hun! I swear :D

Then it was National Day.
OMG. Having dinner with you family.
Totally scared me out.
But good thing it wasn't that bad.
That night was the best too! (Loves!)

I don't know when will be another fun filled day,
but I know it's gonna be everyday with you! :)

And I'm still waiting for 070909! :D

I love You!





She just taught to press two wonderful buttons, and tadah!


Here are photos man!



Sunday, August 9, 2009

Replies to Tags.

First of all,
I don't know is it my computer or what,
Blogger seemed to have change formatting.
So I think I'm lagging.
By any chance, I'm here to reply to tags.

ck: peggggggggyyyyyyyyyyy
peggy: hello ckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk~

wilson: i can see a mini cooper coming out of u! :D
peggy: a cute one right! :D

Justin: Yo, relax la. Cheer up. i'm sure you dad won't want you to live a life of regretness and unhappily.
Justin: So cheer up ok?:D Smile........:D
peggy: yo back, I'm fine, thanks :)

jingyi♥: Woo...the video is at ah ma house right wib jieying and ahma i heard ah ma vioce when you going tell
peggy: Yup, while wrapping dumpling :)

hilary: tsk! thats it man, chenpei never take picture with me :/
peggy: is you don't want! :s

aloy: Don't think so much alright? :D cheer up naughty girl. be brave , be strong.
peggy: Yes naughty boy, meet up real soon man! :D

jasmine: yoyo party soon!! jiayou for exam
jasmine: cheer up ya!!
peggy: Yes babe! CLUBBING! :D ~

johnathan: Nice blog! hahahs. Cheer up yaw!
peggy: yours not bad either! :D

Meihua: cheerup eh! (: anw, you and emrys same class?!
peggy: Yes girl! :) Nope! He's not from my class. How you know him?

Waiyan: Hello ! :D
peggy: Hello sweetie! :D

PB: what sch are you studying at ?
pb: study hard and all the best for your O's . sick must takecare . Be happy always .
peggy: Dunman sec :)Thanks, will study hard man, You are?

Jiayi: Ehhh, isn't that at my house there?? Haha! =)
Jiayi: Tmr will be a better day, trust me! =)
peggy: No, not there :D Trying to. LOL.

Kenneth Ho: YOYOYO =D
Kenneth Ho: I'm always here what =)
peggy: Hey hun! :D I know, always around me ♥

Don: TAG
Peggy: yea boy? ;)

Jiierui: Stay Happy =)) "Every Unhappiness Brings You 1 Step Nearer To Happiness" Lols.. tc
Peggy: Thanks :) you take care too.

-: tink. hu's ur closest fren
Peggy: ask me think is as good as asking me give up. I believe I do things for a reason. I don't need you to teach me. You want tell me who I hurt.

=: ur new bf is that guy ur arm was around in 21 july entry?
Peggy: Yup, why?

Done with all. I guess.

Last of all,

Happy Birthday to Singapore, and Darren :)