Thursday, May 30, 2013


Hi bloggy!

Im back to continue from where I end off, the odd and even group thing!

So like I was saying, the odd group are generally louder people, they like to have fun, are good around people and have more friends.
Indeed sociable but I think might have anger management issue.

Why so?

I wouldn't say they are bad tempered but more like too direct? Like if I were to be involved in an argument I will most likely be shouting all the nasty things you could imagine.
Well, at least im being direct and getting some "steam" off me!

As for the even group. Well, I probably think they will hide it within themselves.
Like my bf, (who is a taurus) he always shut his mouth when we quarrel. You might say that its because he wants to let me win blah blah but NO.
When his best friends are mad at him, the same happens. Im not saying they don't have temper, but they tend to keep it to themselves and only when everything is too much to handle then they will explode.

Im not saying its wrong but.. don't think that's good for your mental health?

Well another issue with the odd and even: MONEY.

Somehow, I find that the odds are more generous with money?
I mean I wouldn't care so much if my friend owes me 2bucks? UNLESS ITS SOMEONE NOT CLOSE AND I DON'T LIKE HIM/HER.
Plus im more than willing to splurge on my friend's present.
Like treat a friend for lunch, dinner or movie. Im fine with it.

But for the evens, so far I haven't seen anyone that generous?
I know money is important, but isn't it too much if you're so cautious about it?
Like 看钱看得太重.
Plus the evens are too materialistic. Its true! Go read some horoscope. Haha.

Of course im not saying that the odds are perfect, neither are the evens bad.
What im proving is we're both different.
And I kinda can't stand the evens. (Just like how I can't stand my bf sometimes)

But whatever all the horoscope says, some might not be true!
So yea, don't be too into it cause it might affect your relationship with people!

And maybe I will consider wisely before I give birth, like count the dates to determine his/her horoscope! Haha!

Till then! :)

p.s; review is this sunday! Hopefully all goes well for me!

posted from Bloggeroid

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Ok a short post while im on the bus. (Trying hard not to fall here)

So yesterday I met up with my "batchies" whom I met at my second day's interview.
We practically talked about everything. And of course RELATIONSHIP included.
Beings girls of course we will complain about our boyfriends la. So there was this girl who was telling us about her ex who turned totally different after flying.
After describing him for so long, I asked "Is he a Cancerian?"

I mean SERIOUSLY? Does horoscope really determines how you will be like?
Its just SO ACCURATE its hard to even hide it.
Of course there are a few exceptions that I haven't really met. Oh well..

But if that's really the case I should consider when to give birth man.
I've always think the horoscope is differentiated into two groups:

You might be thinking who right?
Okay im an Aries and its the first horoscope of the whole 12 signs. (Let's forget the 13th one cause they are still young)
Try to number them, with Aries being 1st.
If you're an ODD number, welcome to my HAPPY family!
Yes we're from group one.

And the even numbers, sorry if I made you sound bad. Of course I've met some that are different, but c'mon. Its probably because you haven't known them for long.

Yea enough said. Will touch more on the difference in the groups next time.

Time to go work and here's a picture of my beautiful girls!

Have a good weekend people! :D

posted from Bloggeroid