Sunday, October 18, 2020

What is it about really?

 I’ve always always always wondered: are my expectations really that high? Or so hard to match up? Why, just why can’t people keep up with it? To me the simplest thing one can ever do is to just reciprocate with what I’m doing. If I’m treating you this way, the least I expect is the same treatment? If I’m contributing to something, shouldn’t you (if you’re involved too) contribute to the same level at the very least? 

But no. Apparently I cannot expect everyone to be like me. I might be devoted to something but it doesn’t mean someone else would be. If so then we are not on the same page. Then I’ll be affected when it’s not up to my standard, then it’ll lead to arguements and what not, tiring isn’t it?

I want to be able to look past all these but why is it just so hard to let go abit?

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Haenim 7V Breast Pump review

Hello everyone!!! I am back. And this time, since I’m upgraded to being a mummy, here is something for all the mummies!! YES! I’m gonna review this awesome breast pump I’ve been using for awhile now! πŸ˜†

Omg omg got chio anot? 

Can you even believe how small this hospital grade breast pump is?! I mean if I didn’t tell you it’s a breast pump you’d probably thought like “eh? Still got people use radio nowadays ah πŸ˜…” 

This baby only weighs 385g and as you can tell it’s super portable and can easily be kept! And although I’m a noobie when it comes to breastfeeding, the parts of this pump can be easily assembled without me referring to the manual, so it’s really idiotproof ok!!

Don't play play, made in Korea ok! (If you don't already know, Haenim is from Korea and it's one of their leading brands for baby products. Their UV sterilizer is really popular and you can check them out here)

Ok, so here's the thing I really like about this breast pump, its their Nexusfit Breast Shields! Unlike most of the breast pumps where you have to buy the correct breast shield size before you get a good fit, this patented technology by Haenim actually allows a good fit no matter what size you are. So as long as you fit your boobies nicely in the shield, you all set to pump! The grooves also gently massages the breast, therefore milk is easily expressed. No pain, yet more output in a shorter time, SO WHY NOT!!!

Oh I also like the idea that the backflow preventer is designed as such where it is as a whole, so I can just easily wash the entire thing without fixing it every single time I have to pump. The Nexusfit diaphragm and cap are also pretty secured so water does not really enter then I was the Pump Body.

And guess what! For $299, you will also get a manual pump included! That is like two for the price of one can! 

Well, of course there are plenty more reasons why this pump is perfect.

  • Long lasting battery so you don't have to worry bout having to keep charging it.
  • SUPER QUIET. The noise given off then pumping is really so quiet my baby could just sleep through without waking up.
  • Night lights!! The adjustable night lights are soothing and comes in real handy when you just need that little bit of brightness when you pump at night.
  • Memory Functions. Very useful to save your favourite setting, so the next time you want to pump, just turn it on and Voila! Don't have to even switch in between modes and can do whatever you're doing without having to worry about the time πŸ˜‰


Click on to this link, enter "peggysings" upon check out to get 20% off the pump and its spare parts!

So what are you waiting for? Head over to get yours today! 😁

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

WHAT? It has been three years?!

Ok. I cannot believe my last post was 3 years ago????

So here is me telling everyone, Hello!!! I am still alive! πŸ˜…

Just wanted to share my bundle of joy to everyone, now that I’m finally a mother, I totally get what makes a mother so great. And the things a mother have to go through, wow it’s like you can never imagine if you’re not one yourself. Cliche but #truestory yo.

Want to really blog nicely but am now having my dinner and using phone doesn’t really allow me to make this post all fancy. Will be back another day to update more ok! For now, here is my little baby greeting all of you 😁