Saturday, January 25, 2014

We grow fat together..

So.. Since my stomach is not feeling well and I'm not asleep yet, I've decided to post a blog entry regarding food!

Here are some photos from my phone:
There! From the pictures you might already have tell that it's kungfu paradise.
Ever since I tried it for the first time at century square I thought it's good for such reasonable price.
However I was quite sad that they shifted out of tampines!! 😩

Thankfully, they open another branch at Bedok Point so on a random day me and fatty bf decided to go and eat some custard buns.
I would say that the standard of the buns have dropped, but I found out something more amazing!!!


The truffle fries they serve is almost as good as the one I had at CM-PB (which I personally think is the best truffle fries I had so far).
However, I think it can be better if they had cheese with it~ πŸ˜‹
Ultimately the meal was decent and we #foreveroverorderingfood and that leaves us no choice but to waste abit of food 😞

That's all for now, I will upload more soon when my hands are not that tired! LOL

Stay tuned to my staycation post!
Am eggcited bout it! Have a good day everyone!😘

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The new year (2014)

It's crazy I'm blogging at this hour. But I just can't seem to sleep. So here I am.

Wanted to blog about my resolutions, until I saw my whatsapp being flooded with info about work. Then it strucked me that I should be nervous bout my first solo.
I really wanna just "relax only" but it feels like suddenly I lost all the memory bout work. #forevermemoryloss
At the same time I'm thinking about how this year is going to be like, whether I'm really in for this job. I guess I just have to keep an open mind & take it easy!

New year brings new resolution, but I don't wanna do any resolutions anymore, just wanna wish everyone be happy, be healthy & be wealthy. 
Nothing is more important than those three I think.

Peace ❤️