Sunday, October 18, 2020

What is it about really?

 I’ve always always always wondered: are my expectations really that high? Or so hard to match up? Why, just why can’t people keep up with it? To me the simplest thing one can ever do is to just reciprocate with what I’m doing. If I’m treating you this way, the least I expect is the same treatment? If I’m contributing to something, shouldn’t you (if you’re involved too) contribute to the same level at the very least? 

But no. Apparently I cannot expect everyone to be like me. I might be devoted to something but it doesn’t mean someone else would be. If so then we are not on the same page. Then I’ll be affected when it’s not up to my standard, then it’ll lead to arguements and what not, tiring isn’t it?

I want to be able to look past all these but why is it just so hard to let go abit?

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